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Responsible, circular and ecological healthy homes

our vision

Fostering the transition to a new circular building standard & lifestyle: regenerative, responsible, socially & environmentally good

Maximum decarbonizing
Pro timber structures, local / proximity materials and low impact systems and solutions.
Energetically + self-sufficient
Passive & decentralized renewable energy promoters.
Sensorial experience
Creating a product that generates love at first sight, evolving and reassuring this timeless and integrated feeling.
Buildings as bank materials
Improving the buildings Net Present Value through cradle to cradle life cycles, real recycling.
Read our manifesto

Nascuts de la terra

Developers and constructors are outdated, historically traditional and skeptical in technique innovations, materials and business models, ignoring and forgetting its responsibility at expense of just benefits. Society is asking for a good housing model and it's not being answered, yet.
About us

We are on the search for potential clients and partners to start projects from zero based on our shared philosophy

Work together